There are variations on all these routines that end in s and
also end in i.
- s
- : These variations they take arguments of type Scoord.
- i
- : These variations they take arguments of type Icoord.
The functions supporting arc and circle drawing are as follows.
- void circleprecision
- (int nsegs)
Set the number of line segments making up a circle.
Default is currently 32. The number of segments in an
arc is calculated from nsegs according the span of the
arc. This routine is only available in VOGL.
- void arc
- (Coord x,Coord y,Coord radius,Angle startang,Angle endang)
Draw an arc. x, y, and radius are values in world
- void arcf
- (Coord x,Coord y,Coord radius,Angle startang,Angle endang)
Draw a filled arc. x, y, and radius are values in world
units. (How the filling is done may be changed by calling polymode,
if this call has been compilied into the library).
- void circ
- (Coord x,Coord y,Coord radius)
Draw a circle. x, y, and radius are values in world coordinates.
- void circf
- (Coord x,Coord y,Coord radius)
Draw a filled circle. x, y, and radius are values in
world units. How the filling is done may be changed by
calling polymode.